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Currently reading

Daughter of Smoke & Bone
Laini Taylor
Dear Friend and Gardener: Letters on Life and Gardening
Beth Chatto, Beth Chatto
Empire Falls
Richard Russo
"If a book is well written, I always find it too short."

Jane Austen

Lord of Scoundrels (Scoundrels, #3)

Lord of Scoundrels (Scoundrels, #3) - Loretta Chase,  Kate Reading The book is good, the audio book is GREAT!

The Siren

The Siren - Tiffany Reisz The Siren is an interesting, smart and well written story. This book runs circles around 50 shades.

Out of Time

Out of Time - Deborah Truscott I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction and time travel. It was a fun and easy read. I really liked Robert and Kathy Lee (especially Robert) and cared about their story. If you like Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series, which I happen to LOVE, you will probably like this book.

Passions of a Wicked Earl (Avon)

Passions of a Wicked Earl - Lorraine Heath This is the first book I've read by this author. Romance novels are one of my secret guilty pleasures and this book was enjoyable. This is the first book in the London’s Greatest Lover series. Passions of a Wicked Earl is about an arranged marriage that starts off badly and how the bride puts aside her pride to try to reconcile with her estranged husband. The story line was good, but I didn’t feel I got enough background on the main characters. I would recommend this book if you’re looking for a fun and easy read.

A Woman Entangled

Beach Day! - Anahid Hamparian, Kristin Sorra I just finished the audio book version of A Woman Entangled, and what can I say it was terrific! I read this book when it first came out because I really enjoyed A Lady Awakened and A Gentleman Undone. I liked the book when I read it, although I didn’t particularly like the heroine Kate Westbrook. But the audio book I loved! The reader Susan Ericksen did a fantastic job with all the character but especially with Nicholas Blackshear. If you read and like this book I highly recommend the audio book.